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[03 Feb 2021|06:35pm]

introducing the one, the only, the "mom" friend, jacki prado.

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[11 Jan 2021|03:56pm]

hi, paloma bardot, and i want to know your anti-talent, the thing you are so bad at that it literally seems to defy the laws of nature and god.

mine is remembering street names. where do i live? i don’t need that info.

[02 Nov 2020|05:24pm]

hello recognize! i just wanted to make a post since polly's credits changed officially today. instead of tove lo she know has the credits of marina diamandis. her back story and personality are basically unchanged outside of her career starting slightly earlier than before. with that said, if we already had a line hopefully it can remain as is since not too much has changed. and if we don't have a line already i would love to figure one out. i didn't do a proper introduction on her when i first joined but she's originally from iceland but was sent to boarding school in london around the age of twelve and finished her schooling there. she was signed to a label shortly after graduation. she splits her time between a houseboat london and her home in los angeles so friends, exes, song inspirations, or (fr)enemies from either place would be lovely!

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